The role of the MfP has changed considerably in recent times. The modern MfP is now a technical-clinical practitioner with a significant degree of professional autonomy, responsibility and designated resources. In the interests of patient care and to best serve the public, it is the responsibility of supervising authorities within the UK to assess a healthcare professional’s fitness to practice and grant formal status to those who meet required criteria.
At the completion of an accepted period of education and training an individual may apply for Full Membership status of The IMPT. The role of the AIB is to formally consider such requests and examine all relevant details. The AIB will, on the evidence presented before them, make a decision on an Applicant’s suitability to be advanced to Full Membership status. There is a fee payable at submission for the AIB. This will be confirmed by the AIB Chairman and will be payable with your full application.
The next AIB is scheduled for 3rd December 2024 at the Union Jack Club in London. Submission of your portfolio is required by the 24th October 2024. For more information please contact the AIB chair Miss C Louise Watson at AIBimpt@gmail.com for more information.